Supernatural season 8 episode 3 summary
Supernatural season 8 episode 3 summary

supernatural season 8 episode 3 summary

We've had characters get hurt and die this season and those are sad. Absolutely one of the most emotional episodes we've had in a long time. It has pained me to see Sam and Dean become like enemies when they once were so close. In this episode the brothers cooperate with each other, help and support each other, and most of all care about each other.

supernatural season 8 episode 3 summary

I'm not saying those two will never be brought up again, but for now, those issues are in the past Sam and Dean hunker down and work together as brothers again, like how it was prior to season 4, before the whole situation with Ruby, Lucifer, or any of the angels. I was worried that the writers wouldn't keep true to this, and would still bring up the conflicts involving Amelia and Benny. The brothers, after a long time of fighting, finally came to a sort of conclusion in last week's episode where they decided it was time to stop arguing. I feel that I can't say much about him without giving anything away, so I shall leave it at that. We never knew much about John Winchester's father, in fact we knew next to nothing, and even if he's only brought in for this one episode, we learn just what type of man he was and whether that is a good or bad revelation is up to you. So, As Time Goes By does not only seem like an older Supernatural episode, it also at times has the same dark settings that previous Supernatural seasons had. Since, in previous seasons, the makers of Supernatural have favoured darker settings, where even during the day the lights are harsh and cold, giving us a sense of how 'dark' the situation was. Many of the scenes have taken place during the day, bringing out the colours really vividly, and it has struck me as odd. It appears as though the directors / editors of season 8 want to make this season brighter. So, for anyone who dislikes the course season 8 has taken, you might enjoy this! The setting itself is darker at times. It seems like this entire season has been revolving around those three. There is no Castiel, no Crowley, and no Naomi at all. This is not a case of "Winchesters, the angels need your assistance right now", they are not asked to do this by the angels and Crowley (for once) is NOT the man behind this. This, to me, felt like an episode we might have seen from season 4 or 5, before the whole issue with the Leviathans and Crowley. There have been some great episodes so far and I have enjoyed this season immensely, but this episode was different. I will say this now, in my honest opinion, As Time Goes By is one of the greatest episodes we've had this season.


As the promo already announced, this man is Henry Winchester, Sam and Dean's grandfather (John's father) who is being chased down by a demon called Abaddon, and the three Winchesters have to work together to find out why, and most of all how to defeat it. Sam and Dean have a very surprising visit from a man who says he's from the past. After a fun, light-hearted episode last Wednesday, I think we all knew this was coming.

Supernatural season 8 episode 3 summary